Howdy Hydrocephalus

Understanding my unique gyroscope


Kicked to the Curb

After December’s nasty endless SJS flare, I thought that moving at the of January would create complete havoc with my body. Instead January was a reprieve except for the endless hair loss. Thank god for lots of curly hair. It was becoming normal for me to wake up with pillow full of hair or that where ever I would go there would be kelly hair bunnies everywhere. The hair shedding was worse than all three of my animals combined. It was not like having a stray hair on your shoulder, but I would have enough hair on my shoulders and back to make two chewbacca dolls (one for each shoulder).

In January I did a bit more research and read a couple books on health & wellness. I looked into revamping the wackload of vitamins my neurologist prescribed me for my continuous head pain; head healing and head health. I started looking into optimal daily dose (ODD) rather than recommended daily dose (RDD)

I found out that my neuro had basically had me taking ODD levels for my vitamin E, super B-complex, Calcium, CO-Q10 and Magnesium. I just ramped up my Vitamin C and Vitamin D. I also read that some neuros are recommending between 6-10mg of Omega-3s per day. I am not a big fish eater so pills it is. I gag at these pills and hat the the burpy after taste every night, but I have been taking 6mg a day.

We are almost done February and the time as flown. I have only had one minor flare with skin & scalp sensitivity/burning and raw inside of mouth that lasted for about a week. Chris had to remind me to take benedryll at first sign of flare when my lymph nodes swell up that my throat feels tight. I am glad he did because I think we caught the flare in the bud and because it was short-lived I didn’t have to take a trip to the ER or start prednisone again. Even my hair falling out has started to ease.

I hope that trying to eat a bit better, take my vitamins, using my essential oils, taking my regular medications (down to only two – yay) will continue to aid in my recovery, increased energy and physical well-being.

I have been a part of the SJS community on Facebook and have been getting updates to other peoples’ struggles with this horrible reaction. I have watched videos on how SJS progresses to TENS and I am so grateful that my rash go beyond that what it. I am glad for not having to be treated in a burn unit or my eye sight gone (just minor irritation and overly dryness). I only have a few scars on my feet and ankles from blisters that took months to heal. I may have a couple scars on my back but I am unsure. I really had no energy and was extremely fatigued from September until January.

I am oh so grateful that my bout did not turn into TENS. I am grateful that both myself and my family have been strong through this blip.

However, it is high time that I kick this SJS out of my system. I would like it to leave now, not ever ever ever comeback and not to have anymore flares – please and thank you. And please educate before you medicate! When there is a side effect of a rash it means that it can potentially be SJS!


